Nuts for weight loss

Despite the large amount of calories and fat in nuts they are an exceptional food for weight loss. You have already heard me tell you to stop counting calories and worrying about fat. Well here is the best example. Nuts are full of nutrients, including healthy fats, and rate at the top of the list for satiety. A number of studies have found that snacking on nuts helps you stay satiated throughout the day and eat less at meals. Nuts are a great source of protein, essential fats, vitamins and minerals. The fats found in nuts promote efficiency in the utilization of proteins and carbohydrates, as well as aiding in absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Seeds, like nuts, are nutrient-dense and rich in fibre, a major source of prebiotics to feed the good gut bacteria.

In fact, the consumption of some fats, in particular medium chain triglycerides (found in coconut), has been shown to speed up weight loss. Despite the high fat content in nuts and some fruits like avocados, they don’t contribute to weight gain. In fact studies are now showing, those who consume more nuts are the ones who do not put on weight compared to the low nut consumption groups. This is probably due to eating fewer junk food snacks and the benefits of the nutrients on the body’s metabolism. Raw nuts with no added sugar, salt, oil or any other.

And they are good for you.

For more information on real weight loss based on science and my proven program over 20 years go to

Here are some references

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