The gut healing and gut health power of raw cabbage

Another reason to add some of the cabbage family to your daily diet, preferably raw is because of their gut healing properties and how they promote gut health through the gut microbiome. The Brassica family including cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kale, arugula (rocket), bok choy, cauliflower, collard greens, radish, turnip and others have been recognized […]

Gut health impacts all health conditions

Your gut microbiome has an astonishing ability to keep you healthy or ill. The list of diseases that we know of that are linked to the intestinal microbiota grows every day and these diseases are usually complex in terms of both how the disease develops and complications. Having the right balance of good microorganisms in […]

Gut Health Gut Healing an Modern Perspective

Arguable the biggest health problem facing us today is gut health rivaling the current obesity crisis and tobacco smoking in its impact on our health. Every health condition is linked to gut health and gut healing either directly or indirectly through inflammation and oxidation. Historically every culture understood this and were involved in extensive practices […]

Lifestyle changes can add 14 years or more to your life. Not drugs

Americans have a shorter life expectancy compared with residents of almost all other high-income countries despite the fact that they spend more money on their health care (pharmaceuticals) than any other country. In this study adopting five major health initiatives—regular exercise, a healthy diet, moderate drinking, not getting overweight or obese and not smoking can […]

Queensland Gut Healing Tour. 2018

After sell out talks around Australia Dr Peter and Martine Dingle return for their long-awaited Queensland Celebrating their release of 3 new books on Gut health and chronic illness, “Gut Secrets. A blueprint to your microbiome and your health”, “Ready, Set Gut Health” and “Overcoming Illness”. Kingaroy. Monday June 11 Kingaroy RSL White Room. Markwell St […]

Nutrition and lifestyle can reverse IBS

Irritable or Inflammatory Bowel Syndrome (IBS) affects an estimated 14.1% of the US population and 11% of the global population. IBS is characterized by chronic abdominal pain, gas, cramping, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. More than one-half of all patients with IBS suffer from depression or anxiety. Missed work, social interactions, and travel are among the […]

Our society is the sickest it has ever been

The body is supposed to be in a state of “ease.” However, because of poor nutrition, lifestyle choices, and living in an unhealthy environment, the body goes into as state of “dis-ease.” Our society is the sickest it has ever been. By the time people in our population are reaching their 50s, around 50% will […]

Gut inflammation. Old science new discoveries

We now know the gut is the cornerstone of health and inflammation in the body. The first theory to explain the link between the gut and inflammation, which underlies all the chronic diseases we suffer from, was put forward in 1907, when Elie Metchnikoff proposed that tissue destruction (disease) and senescence (ageing) throughout the body […]