Dr Peter Dingle – Speaker

Awe inspiring science with a human face
Scientist and internationally acclaimed speaker
Peter Dingle BEd, BSc, Hons, PhD, WASM

Dr Dingle is Australia’s leading motivational health speaker.

He has spent the past 35 years as a researcher, educator, communicator and author. Formerly an Associate Professor in Health and The Environment at Murdoch University. Dr Dingle has more than 100 scientific articles, hundreds of public essays and 17 best selling books on health including Take control and realize your potential and his 3 latest books “Gut Secrets”, “Ready Set Gut Health”, and “Overcoming Illness” .

Blending motivation and humour, Dr Dingle is one of the most informative and entertaining health speakers in Australia, his mind-blowing presentations, get you thinking outside the square, and inspire and empower you to take control of your life and circumstances. 

His straight shooter, tongue in cheek humour and personality, challenge our wellness paradigms, and address the dangers of being complacent when it comes to our health. He presents cutting-edge research findings in an accessible, down-to-earth manner—that will leave your audience pondering for days and inspired to take the next steps.

Dr D, who gives about 100 presentations in Australia and around the world each year, will show you how you can regain your health, wellness and productivity. 

For more information:
Ph: 0414 360569

Dr Dingle’s Corporate motivational health talks

  • The Corporate Gut. Have you got the guts to be more productive
  • Reset your mental health and happiness in your workplace.

Other topics include:

  • The 5 C’s to take control and realize your potential
  • Rewire your brain and body and thrive on Stress
  • How to live to 140
  • Why busy people die young

Speaking Engagement Booking Form

    Some of Dr Dingle’s Corporate Testimonials

    Peter Dingle has got to be one of the best speakers on health and wellbeing in Australia. Not only qualified. Entertaining and fluent as a speaker, he ‘walks the walk’ which gives his presentation that extra credibility. My clients and staff loved him; heaps of practical points to take away and comments like ‘what a great guy, I was inspired!’
    John Fitzgerald. CEO Custodian Wealth Builders

    Peter has an energy and enthusiasm that few presenters possess. His knowledge and presentation style, which is laced with humour, endeared himself to our audience and had them engrossed. Almost without exception the audience wished his presentation did not have to end.
    Darren Mickan. General Manager nb&a events

    Thank you very much for your presentation on the 5 C’s which gave us great insight on how to embrace change from both an individual and team perspective. Your passionate and enthusiastic presentation had a very positive impact on our team.
    Garry Moore. National Manager Risk States, CGU Workers Compensation. State manager WA.

    As a follow up to your request for feedback on your presentation at the IT Vision User Group Conference firstly could I thank you for the time that you were able to spend with the delegates. Based on the conference evaluation of 4.8 (out of 5.0) the presentation was very much appreciated and very well received by all present. The people that attended the conference I feel sure will be more inspired and better informed about taking control of their life and meeting the challenges they face especially those delegates that may be impacted by the Local Government Reform process.
    Bruce Wittber. BHW Consulting

    Wow! As usual the Plenary Session was an event not to be missed as Peter Dingle, our home-grown health and environment guru told the audience about the “Dingle DEAL”. His presentation was enthusiastic and inspirational, entwined with memorable stories and spiced with lots of laughter. Dr Pete was very motivating. He took complex scientific information and converted it so that it was dynamic, easy to understand and informative. The “Dingle DEAL” is a structured way for each of us to avoid ill-health.

    Diet: encouraging the listener to eat well and abandon processed foods that have little nutritional value,
    Environment: energising the audience to quit the use of chemical products in the homes,
    Attitude: enlivening those listening to choose to think positively.
    Lifestyle: inspiring the audience to look towards food health by exercising, avoiding busyness and taking time to reflect on our journey.

    Conference participants came away from the final session of the weekend on a high note encouraged to make a difference to their lives, their families and the children we educate. Dr Peter Dingle left us animated and enthusiastic to use the DEAL.
    Carol Moelands
    The Western Australian Association of Teacher Assistants Inc – 

    Dr Dingle… probably the most energising, directly challenging and immediately rewarding presentation we have ever had at a leadership forum; certainly the most talked about afterwards.. Thanks Peter for rallying us to action. Donald Clarke, Program Coordinator, Southern Region Leadership Forum

    Just quickly Peter some great feedback. Our delegates loved your presentation and although we are all now eating oats and fruit only, which we hold you personally responsible for, we very much enjoyed your presentation. Kind regards.
    Evan G Hammond CA

    Your workshop was the buzz of the office for several weeks and is still referred to at various times even 3/4 months after the event. The group hypnotism was very effective and people were amazed that it actually worked on them.  I have noticed your books on various desks in the office with people referring to them or suggesting others borrow and have a read. We would love to get you back for another conference in the near future.

    PS   … We are still waiting for the day when we all start barking and looking for our left leg. Regards .
    Vickie Douglas Head of Direct and Alliance Banking AMP Banking.

    I just wanted to touch base one last time to thank you for your fantastic presentation to our group last Thursday morning. There were many motivated people leaving the room, and I honestly think you made a difference to each attendees’ life in some way or other! I wanted to share with you the presenter ratings we collected, out of 5: and the results for your breakfast presentation were knowledge 4.9, presentation 4.8 and content 4.9. That is a fantastic result, so thank you again. I wish you all the best with your future endeavours, and maybe we will get you back to speak to another group some time in the future!  Erin Hasleby.
    CPA Australia WA Member Events Coordinator

    I’d just like to thank you on behalf of the sales force at Steel Blue, I have never seen our guys as fired up as they have been since your session. It really was inspiring. Peter Dingle was fantastic, I can’t rave enough about him. His tips on Taking Charge of your Life have struck a chord with all our sales force. It really was life changing and inspiring stuff. Thanks so much for you help.
    Ebony Fitzgerald. Sales and Promotions Representative Footwear Industries Pty Ltd Makers of Steel Blue Premium Industrial Footwear

    Peter Dingle gave a series presentations to the Institute of Chartered Accountants Business Forum 2007.  His energy and his magic livened up the conference.  His presentations were extremely well received as was his presence and interaction throughout the whole day, which was an added bonus and energised the conference staff.
    Brian Martin. Training & Development Manager – WA. The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia

    Thank you Peter for a wonderful presentation, we have had a great amount of positive feedback from all who attended.  We do appreciate your efforts and expect to see some positive results within our team that have been influenced by your presentation. Best Wishes, and we will be in contact soon with the possibility of another presentation opportunity for you.
    Maria Gutta. Brentnalls

    Dr Dingle made us sit up, take notice of the world around us and truly believe that we could and should be doing things differently, in our work and in our lives. He deftly motivated us for the rest of the day when we went out and did volunteer activities in natural areas around Perth.
    Colleen Henry. Strategic and Corporate Planner. Tourism Western Australia

    Just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your talk at the NAPSA conference last week. I’d heard the goss, heard of the Dr D legend, now I’ve seen it for myself. Well done!
    Peter Quayle. Promotions & Special Projects Coordinator. Prospective Students & Admissions Centre Division of Enterprise & International. Murdoch University.

    We all enjoyed your presentation – lots of smiling faces around the workshop …. still.  The health message was simple and compelling and you made it fun.
    Ron Zatella. A/Manager Fleet Services. Fire & Emergency Services Authority 

    Many thanks for your wonderful presentation to ChallengerTafe’s CAPS forum last Thursday. You have inspired us all to reflect on our lifestyle, health, and environment and work towards making changes to our “busy ” lives. Once again many thanks for a wonderful day.
    Julie Manning Program Manager Visage Training Centre for Hair, Fashion and Beauty Challenger TAFE

    just wanted to send you a quick note to inform you of the overwhelming amount of positive feedback I have received for the presentation that you conducted for FESA last Wednesday, it would appear that people are still talking about it . Your work was extremely well received, many people have reassessed their lifestyles and  I believe a few of them have even been out to your healthy eating cafe in Fremantle. ………….Your presentation was entertaining, informative but in particular highly motivational………. I know that most people would not leave one of your talks without taking away something of value so in the interest of improving the health, happiness and overall wellbeing of FESA . On behalf of myself and FESA thankyou again for your valuable time and quality performance.
    Janine Blacklow A/Safety Advisor FESA 

    Our district administrators were in awe of Dr Dingle as his inspirational style and obvious commitment to Health and Well Being were displayed. The “Dingle Deal” will be a foundation on which school administrators will be able to build a Health and Well Being program for their staffs. A highly motivational presentation from an exemplary speaker…. Well done and thankyou Dr D.”
    Paul Mather Manager District Operation Esperance District Education Office

    Thank You Peter! Really, your presentation was a sublime blend of humour, interesting facts and a compelling lesson to all in attendance of the importance of health and lifestyle. Almost affording “rock star” status, it was wonderful to see the REIWA staffers flocking around keen to secure you for their state awards night! The members have thanked me for asking you along and I am most grateful for the time and energy you put into your talk. My office staff went and bought Omega 3 capsules on the way to the office! Thanks again, it was a pleasure meeting you.
    Hayden Groves. dethridgeGROVES

    Dr Peter Dingles presentation to our Family Day Care team on Nutrition and Lifestyle was both informative and entertaining. Family Day Care staff and providers walked away with the determination to change their lives and importantly the lives of the children in their care by simply making more informed choices when it comes to providing meals for children and for their own families. We are all in the process of reconditioning ourselves.
    Eddie Powell, Co-ordinator Children’s Services. Communicare Inc

    Dr Peter Dingle was an excellent speaker.  He held the audiences attention, was very entertaining and had so much information to share.  He contacted us well before the event and was very organized.  He was flexible with his arrangements and tailored his presentation so that it had greater meaning for the audience.
    Jason Hughston. LJ Hooker.

    G’day Peter, and thank you for your presentation last Friday. It was certainly very well receive by many of the delegates. Here is what some of them said.
    Peter Dingle was inspiring and motivating (I write it down!!)
    More Dingle stuff next year.
    Peter Dingle presentation fantastic
    Dr Peter Dingle was top class.
    Peter Dingle was so engaging and informative and entertaining. A great way to end the day.
    Thanks.  Don Phillips. Administrators’ Project Officer

    Dr Dingle burst forth with a hard hitting and entertaining 30 minute presentation which captured the attention of the audience.  Given the diversity of people present this was no mean feat.  You can tell that Dr Dingle’s message had got across to the target audience because they continued to quote him for days afterwards.
    Stuart Jardine, CEO Gosnells City Council.

    Just a short note to congratulate you on your presentation at the MEA Conference. The feedback that I received from those who attended over the course of the two days was exceptional. Thank you for your efforts.
    GUY ALESSANDRO. Director of Sales Rendezvous Observation City Hotel

    Your presentation was fantastic , full of energy and humour. I was only in there for a short time as I was producing the video highlights. I ended up buying your book as we are expecting a little one in august I need all the help I can get for to fit into this “dad” role.
    Anthony Vallario CSEP, AMIAA. Producer/Director. ZOOM Photography & Video Productions

    Peter Dingle was great! He blended 5 “C’s” into his talk on the night, which fitted in with our “C” theme and his magic and sleight of hand amazes and amused everyone.
    Annie Payne. Membership, Marketing and Events Co-ordinator RACP

    Dr Peter Dingle presented a one hour session at our staff conference this week.  His presentation covered his four “C’s” of taking control of your life.  Peter presentation was full of little ‘gems’ of information as well as being very entertaining. Feedback from staff has been very positive with many comments stating that Peter was very motivational and highly entertaining speaker.
    Marisa Leccese. WA Marketing Manager. CRS Australia

    “Inspiring!!” –
    Karina Hawkins, Woodside Engery Ltd

    “Upbeat and humorous but with some serious messages about being healthy” –
    Tony Flynn, Woodside Energy Ltd

    “I found Peter interesting and a great deal of his information was a big REMINDER for me” –
    Linda Davies, Woodside Energy Ltd

    “I thought that it was really interesting, very energized & also amusing at the same time! A good balance. Thanks” –
    Alison Nannup, Woodside Energy Ltd.

    “Very high energy, some good content…got some good tips out of it….” –
    Emma Dowd, Woodside Energy Ltd.

    “I thought he was great.  Very motivating and hugely energetic.  He definitely got me thinking about a number of aspects of my life.
    I think it’s really beneficial to have sessions like that and a facilitator with Peter’s personality makes all the difference”  –
    Jodie Lancaster, Woodside Energy Ltd.

    Dr Dr D I enjoyed your talk/ presentation/ aerobics/ juggling/ etc yesterday morning at E Central – think I was inspired by what you said except it took me a while to get focused  for  I can not remember the last time I was’confronted’ by such enthusiasm. Thanks for the ‘shot in the arm’ to get motivated!
    Mary Anne Baljic. Head of Department. Technology & Enterprise. Perth Modern School

    Peter, thanks very much for an informative and entertaining session.  The talk brought together all of the the aspects of healthy living: including diet, exercise, stress management, attitude, fulfilling work and fun… it was well received by our Business Unit and reminded our busy people of the most important aspects of staying fit and healthy to be able to enjoy life and be productive in the best sense.
    Vivienne Sommerville, HR Manager, ABU, Woodside.

    Again, thanks for your inspiring presentation on ‘Taking Control’.  I’ve already had great feedback, from the volunteers and staff present, and incidentally, the ‘non-smiler’ in the crowd (if you recall, bearded, grumpy looking) told me you were the best speaker he’s ever heard!
    Kellie Bennett. Cochburn Council.

    Hi Dr D. My father has taken me to so many goal setting seminars in my life and pushed me to read so many goal setting books, and I never got anywhere with them. However after your seminar, I have written my goals, they are up on my wall, and I am well on the way to achieving them mentally and then actually ! I felt like both you and Ralph were speaking to only me, like there was no one else in the room.  I spoke to a few others who said they felt the same thing.  That is amazing, that you can hit the hearts of so many people at the one time. Thank you for your passion for your job, which passes on as passion to us.

    p.s. have also started to read The D.E.A.L.   cant wait for the new book to come out so I can read that too.
    Ali Binskin. Enjo Consultant

    Peter Dingle was a fantastic addition to our conference program. A delegation of 500 farmers is not an easy group to sell a story on “life balance” – but they hung on to his every word and in the post conference surveys rated Peter’s presentation among the very best in what was a high calibre speaking line up. Peter is a consummate professional and just great to deal with. We’d certainly recommend you do a “Dingle deal”.
    Esther Price. Director. Esther Price Promotions. Communication, marketing and event management 

    On behalf of the NAGCAS Conference steering committee, I would like to extend our appreciation for the magnificent keynote presentation which you delivered on the opening day of our national conference. Your message on the 5 C’s for controlling one’s life opened the minds of many delegates and gave them insights and tools which they can effectively pass on to their clients and just as importantly, to themselves.  Comments ranged from “awesome and entertaining” to “inspirational and doable”.  There were many other informative presentations throughout the conference pertaining to career development matters, but yours stood out because of your passion, humour, integrity, the message and its magic.

    And thanks again for stepping in so swiftly.  You really are a star.
    Alexandra Semmens NAGCAS, Conference Steering Committee

    ‘…your contribution during the summit and at the dinner were a delight. Not only were they lively and pertinent but later, also fun.”
    Robin Williams ABC Science Show

    Peter’s “DEAL” message mixed in with magic and expertise had members and guests of the Secret Harbour Surf Club’s 10 Year Gala Dinner glued to their seats. Many were relieved that they were on the right track and others had some take home messages to help improve their lives and their children’s with some simple rules of thumb, all relating back to the Diet.. Environment…Attitude and Lifestyle… Peter’s interactive speaking style involves the audience and makes listening to his message an enjoyable experience.
    Jane Le Grove Director Of House Secret Harbour SLSC.

    We would very much like to extend our appreciation for your brilliant, informative, entertaining, and energetic talk last month.
    Mary Paul President OSWA.

    ‘The session was well received. It is still being talked about today (3 weeks later).’
    Daniel Parry. Deakin Financial Services.

    Dr D is a most infectious and emotive speaker who involves his audience and well deserves the description of a charismatic academic”
    Peter Hicks. Health -Mor Industries.

    Peter’s gift of interaction and people skills is a marvellous thing to watch.  He drew people out at the Conference and he received an enormousamount of feedback in the 2 hours he was with us.  His ability to bring thebest out in people turned a simple presentation into an enjoyable activityfor all staff. At all times Peter approached his presentation with vigour and dedication  and his friendly manner and willingness to participate, coupled with hisindustry experience meant that Peter was a valuable contribution to our Australand conference. It is important to keep all staff focussed and a “healthy and motivatedemployee is a happy employee”, so I would highly recommend Peter for anysimilar presentation for which Australand is already beginning to benefit. Should any prospective Company wish to discuss the contents of this  reference I would be pleased to do so.
    Matthew James Joyce Executive General Manager – Land & Housing – Australand

    ‘Peter gave a presentation of such energy that it completely revitalised the audience and sent them away contemplating the changes they would make.The Deal is a great topic and would have relevance to the lives of anyone listening – something to make you really stand back and think.
    Wendy Wardell

    Boy what a great presentation you did, you got a mention at the closing from the Director General saying what a great presentation.
    Well done.Diana

    ‘Peter has communication skills of the highest order and an ability to convey technical information in terms appropriate to the existing knowledge level of the audience…reflected in the high ratings received in student post-course evaluations.’
    Trades and labour Council.

    “Enjoyed peter enthusiastic presentation 10,10,10” for presentation, quality and content”
    Evelyn Vojtisek Fashion Carpet House.

    “Charismatic enthusiasm 9,10, 9” for presentation, quality and content”
    Adrian Lengkeek. JBA Carpet Court.

     “You certainly have hidden talents! Can I compliment you on the sensitive way you turned an event that dealt with a dreadful disease into a tasteful and humorous evening, perfectly suited to the mood of the audience.”
    Bob Kuchera MLA. Ex- Minister for Health. WA

    “he has carried out these tasks with a sense of energy, flair and enthusiasm, acting always in a very professional manner.”
    Barry Mac Kinnon Ex leader of the WA liberal party.

    “Your delivery was excellent and clearly held the attention of the group. The juggling trick had the desired impact because, like the ‘D.E.A.L’, it was topical for the business/life jugglers and, of course, it was clever and skilful. The speed of delivery was appropriate to the audience and your time keeping was just about perfect.”
    Andrew Robertson. BHP Steel.

    “The feedback I got was that your presentation was excellent! Thank you very much.
    Paul Holmes. Environmental Consultant.

    “I thought your speel at the coast to coast conference was the highlight. Finally someone speaking the truth rather than saying everything was hunky dory and no need to change anything”
    Evan Broaman Environment Resource Officer. Local Government Association of Tasmania.

    “Peter Dingle gave our Kordel’s Vitamin Launch presentations in Adelaide and Perth an additional dimension. Peters presentational style lends an up-beat tone to the topic.”
    Peter Kemp Healthcare Manufacturing Group

    First off I would like to thank you for all of your fantastic information and enthusiasm at the Small Business Development Corporation staff development day.  I got a lot out of it and also loved your book. I am very much a DEAL believer . I am so grateful to benefit from your dedication and sensibility. It’s all so easy really – I think that was something that you really conveyed at the seminar – back to basics – keep it simple and logical – and you’re right our grandparents did some funny old things for a damn good reason.
    Jane Gardiner. Small Business Development Corporation

    Thank you once again for an extremely interesting day. I learnt a huge amount and feel very motivated to attend further sessions. I felt reassured that I’m also heading in the right direction with many of the things I am doing.
    Thank you, Lesley Harmsen

    ‘The information you gave was stimulating and interesting…..We truly appreciate the support you have given us.’
    Hospital Environmental Awareness Link.

    I was fortunate enough to attend your lecture at Macquarie University last Wednesday evening. Thank you so much, it was what I’d been waiting for since reading your books 2 years ago. I certainly came away with even more than I expected, hoping that you could reach millions more Australians through your unique style!
    Caroline Nelson. Enjo Consultant

    We were very sorry to have missed you when you visited the East Coast but await with baited breath for your return.  Those who were privileged enough to catch you said it was something not to be missed.  However, we have been listening to the CDs.
    Tracey McWhinnie. ENJO Consultant

    Firstly, thanks for your fantastic presentation you did at Macquarie University for Enjo, I was one of the consultants in the audience. I have read your book and found it absolutely fanscinating – well done.  So many myths, so much deception by the food industry. I love your advice, and your simple, easy to read format, and am adopting, slowly but surely your suggestions for diet, have already changed to fibre based cleaning, obviously, and am referring back to the book for further advice on changes I can make for the good of my family. Thank you for taking the time and determination to inform us, it is appreciated and I am spreading the word as much as I possibly can so that others can know the truth.
    Kathy Grime. Enjo Team Manager

    Never have I had the 3 D’s before!! Thank you for your great, invigorating talk this morning.
    Robyn Forshaw. Conference Steering Committee

    That was an absolutely brilliant presentation last night!!  I wish I had that much passion when I talk!
    Fiona Tremlett. Melaleuca

    As we all arrived at the Esplanade Hotel Freo on the Friday afternoon after a few buzy days at workshops in the office, we where keen for a few pre-dinner drinks and then dinner, then for a few of us, kicked on a little in Freo, and where a little worse for wear at the 09.00am start, but as the Dingle “DEAL” was so enlightening all where captured by his enthusiasm, wit and humour. We all enjoyed the “DEAL” and are still talking about it, we also purchased a few of his books for the home and the office. The rest of the weekend we where very aware.

    Thanks &Regards.
    Ian Radford Marubeni-Itochu Tubulars Oceania Pty Ltd

    “Very good, very good, very good, Excellent coverage of some very important life skills which should be taught at high school.
    Saf Deakin Finances

    “Excellent I will commit to all the principles outlined on all the presentations. I feel empowered now.”
    Jenny. Deakin Finances

    “Brilliant, everyone knows they should set goals but by doing it in a interesting way really opens your mind to setting your goals and achieving them…Overall fantastic”
    Ben. Deakin Finances

    “Well done, was excellent”
    Fabian. Deakin Finances

    I am a mother of four beautiful very healthy children, Manager with ENJO and was a Midwife for 17 years. I attended your presentation for ENJO Consultants this morning at City West and just had to write and say thank you so much. I didn’t want it to end it was so informative and inspiring. I love selling ENJO and training consultants to do the same but I love it even more now knowing just how much we are doing, in our own small way, to help improve people’s lives. The five girls in my Team who were all there also thoroughly enjoyed it and I know will now approach the Demos they do with more knowlege and confidence. Thank you once again and I can’t wait to read your book.
    Odette Askew

    I was very much looking forward to hearing him in person, having read quite a bit of his work, and because I was a nurse before I started my ENJO career.  I found Dr Dingle’s words very inspiring and incredibly interesting – and three of my customers also attended the Seminar and found him very informative and vibrant. Dr Dingle speaks so well.   He maintained everyone’s interest the whole time and managed to give out the information in such a way that everyone retained the knowledge without realising how much they had taken in. Our health is our most important asset, without good health we have nothing, and prevention is must better than cure. Dr Dingle gave all of us many ways of preventing illness by just doing simple tasks like opening windows, airing bed linen and taking regular exercise – the DINGLE DEAL is an inspiration to us all.
    Melian Tomsett, Manager

    Thank you for your great lecture at Deakin University. I was one of the 555 Principals sitting in the audience. You certainly know how to deliver an excellent presentation on a vital topic. I will be making some changes to my life- the first is to do some weight training as I am 58 – retired at 55 for a week and came back ??? Please keep up the good work and I will be purchasing some of your books. Well done 10/10 and a Black Elephant Stamp !!!!
    Trevor Smithson. Silvan PS. Melbourne Victoria

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