In the beginning SARS-CoV-2. Part 1

Many people have wondered why the vaccines and the pharmaceutical response could happen so quickly. The answer lies in the fact that SARS-Co-2 which is responsible for the COVID-19 (2019) outbreak was not the first SARS-CoV. SARS-Co-1, caused severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2002. These two cousin viruses have a lot of overlap and exploit ACE-2 receptors to invade host cell which is what makes them so deadly and which I will discuss later on. 

Unfortunately, however, the modern medical/pharmaceutical system continues to perpetuate the notion that there is only one solution to Covid. Mass Vaccination. Those who are running the show insist that we need to spend more money on vaccines and treat everyone, while anyone who says anything else is prosecuted and persecuted without any chance of response, discussion or debate. Modern medicine has become adept at making outrageous claims and distortions of the truth in the pursuit of money and power, while burning and bulldozing everything in its way. All of a sudden normal people and even health professionals who question what is happening are labelled anti-vaxers and the community is split into the anti and pro-vaxers. To not allow debate is both dangerous and reminiscent of tragic times in our history.  What is frightening about Covid is not the virus but the one-sided approach to treating the virus and the complete absence of any debate and public science. 

Ignoring of the role of nutrition and lifestyle factors including thousands of studies related specifically to Covid only shows the power of the pharmaceutical side. In additions, thousands of studies have been done on all types of viruses from herpes and HIV to the annual flu and all show that it can make a significant difference. What makes it different from Covid? I am not saying nutrition is the only solution but it can play a major part for most people including those who are already vaccinated. There is not one solution. However, the great thing about a nutritional approach is that it can potentially improve the outcome of everyone, whether they are vaccinated or not and impacts all forms of illness including chronic illnesses like heart attacks, strokes and cancers.

At the beginning of Covid we should have been talking about nutrition and as the science of Covid nutrition progressed we could have modified the message. Because there is so much we can do in this field. This was the greatest opportunity we have ever had to educate the public away from the toxic western diet and lifestyle. Instead, it was not just ignored it was berated by our so called health representatives. Imagine how healthy we would be if we took a stance on nutrition back in April 2019.