Nutrition for Covid. Part 4

While many people will tell you the benefits of supporting your immune system to fight off the virus this is only a small part of this Covid story. Even more important than your immune system, at least in the immediate is to lower the ACE2 while you build your immune system. The simplest way to do this is through healthy diet and lifestyle choices as well as supplementing with natural ACE2 blockers. 

Fortunately, when you work on lowering ACE2 through nutrition you also build up your immune system. A win-win, not to mention reduce your risk of most forms of chronic illness including heart attacks and stroke.

Just a small change to eating a Mediterranean style diet can reduce the susceptibility and vulnerability to Covid by around 10-20%, not to mention the reduction of these chronic illnesses by around the same percentage. Coincidence? Eating a Mediterranean diet lowers your risk of hypertension by around 10%, heart attack and stroke by around 20% and some cancers by 30%. Again this is no coincidence as lowering the risk from each of these conditions lowers the ACE2.

What is so great about this approach is that diet plays such a major role in every aspect of our health that we can really change the health of our nation. This was the greatest opportunity missed by our governments who instead said let’s just wait for the vaccine role out.

Recapping, despite the media hype the vast majority of deaths from Covid are people with underlying health problems and elevated ACE2 that this virus can gain access to the cells of the most vulnerable people more easily.