The latest research shows just one night poor sleep increases the protein amyloid beta which is associated with AD. However, a week of tossing and turning leads to an increase in another brain protein, tau, which research has linked to brain damage in Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases.
The brains of people with Alzheimer’s are dotted with plaques of amyloid beta protein and tangles of tau protein, which together cause brain tissue to atrophy and die.
Amyloid plaque formation, an early necessary step in Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis, is associated with sleep disruption in a bi-directional manner. Sleep deprivation acutely increases soluble amyloid-β and chronically increases amyloid plaques in mouse, and one night of total sleep deprivation increases soluble amyloid-β in humans
Other research has shown one of the strongest inks with the development of AD has been blood sugar levels. Even those with prediabetes levels.