Reducing toxic chemical exposure reduces the risk of diabetes

New research suggests that a 25% reduction in exposure to just 4 chemicals commonly found in the home would reduce diabetes cases by around 13% which could save billions of dollars in annual health costs. Increasing evidence suggests that synthetic chemicals commonly found in the environment contribute to metabolic disorders, especially obesity and diabetes. Previous […]

Toxic chemicals cause weight gain

Exposure to “obesogenic” chemicals has an important role in the obesity and diabetes pandemic. Studies dating back to the 1970s have shown that low-dose chemical exposures were associated with weight gain in experimental animals. Since then, a growing number of studies show links between toxins and weight gain, obesity and diabetes. Known or suspected culprits […]

The Good Oil: Olive oil

A liberal sprinkle of olive oil on your food may be good for your health and even slow down ageing. Many of the beneficial effects of olive oil on human health were originally thought to be the high concentrations of monounsaturated (omega 9) fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, was considered as the major healthful […]

Disease is just a warning

What if what we consider disease as just a warning, a message telling us that we have to change something? If we get a mosquito bite, it itches, so me move away from the mosquito to seek safe refuge or take some other action to remove the mosquito. Pain has evolved as a messenger. Pain […]

The Good Oil: Olive oil

A liberal sprinkle of olive oil on your food may be good for your health and even slow down ageing. Many of the beneficial effects of olive oil on human health were originally thought to be the high concentrations of monounsaturated (omega 9) fatty acids, in particular oleic acid, was considered as the major healthful […]

Deadly deodorants

In November 2008, a 12 year old boy, Daniel Hurley collapsed and died in his bathroom ‘after using too much deodorant’. The hearing into his death found that “he was overcome by solvents in the Lynx Vice spray”. Unfortunately there were no repercussions for the company as the warnings are spelt out on the can. […]

Vinegar. A real superfood

Vinegar has been around in human culture for thousands of years. In fact, its first recorded use was about 5000 years ago. In the year 400 B.C., Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed the mixture of honey and apple cider vinegar for treatment of various diseases. In prophetic medicine, Prophet Muhammad strongly recommended eating […]

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals found in common household products cost hundreds of billions of dollars in health

Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) found in common household products and our environment cost the USA economy $340 billion in added health costs and the European economy $217 billion. Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) contribute to disease and dysfunction and incur high associated costs. The disease costs of EDCs were much higher in the USA ($340 billion) than in […]