Are your medications making you (Pharmaceutical) fat?

Most people don’t realise that a large number of pharmaceutical agents, including many over-the-counter and prescription drugs, are linked with weight gain and obesity. Drug-induced weight gain is a serious side effect of many commonly used drugs. The weight gain can be extremely high in a relative short time: sometimes more than 10 kg over 12 […]

Sleep is Important

Sleep has been shown to be as important to the human body as food and water, but most of us still don’t get enough sleep. We obtain treatment for illness or injury – yet we generally fail to seek help when we aren’t getting enough sleep. The average length of sleep has declined from around […]

Fluoride Lowers Kids Intelligence

There is increasing evidence emerging from the scientific community which suggests that mass-medication in the form of water fluoridation is in fact having a serious and adverse effect on the public’s health. A recent report from the US National Research Council 1 concluded that adverse effects of high fluoride concentrations in drinking-water may be of […]

Supplements for the Heart

Vitamins for the heart The science is overwhelming. We can reverse heart disease, unblock arteries and lower blood pressure with good nutrition and lifestyle changes and it can be improved even further with supplementation. There are now thousands of articles in all levels of scientific journals—on the benefits of supplementing, not only for the general […]

Health Benefits of Raw Food

The thought of eating nothing but raw food, seems somewhat alien in the modern world, where the methods are cooking food are widely varied. But, until the discovery of fire, and the ability to recreate fire was developed around 1.8 million years ago, our human ancestors consumed massive amounts of raw food. It has been […]

BPA substitutes may be worse than BPA.

While industry is working to replace BPA because of health concerns it may be going in the wrong direction. Plasticizers with estrogenic activity, such as bisphenol A (BPA), have been reported to have potential adverse health effects in humans. Due to mounting evidence of these health effects and public pressure, BPA is being phased out […]

Wellness At Work

When health is absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Art cannot manifest, Strength cannot be exerted, Wealth becomes useless, And reason is powerless.” 
— Herophilus 300 B.C. Our work places are either a great place to promote health or to contribute to the health problem. Our work environments are experiencing an emerging health crisis from longer workdays, […]

Fat – The Truth About Fat and Weight Gain

The rapid increase in obesity which began in the 1980’s coincides with the emphasis on low fat diet and the food pyramid promoting grain and carbohydrate consumption in place of fat. While this is only circumstantial evidence a large number of studies now show the low-fat dietary approach to be wrong. In a review of […]


“Walking is man’s best medicine.”- Hippocrates Walking is probably the most underestimated and undervalued activity we do. We often take it for granted until we have some injury or can no longer walk, while it is probably the single most important activity that keeps us healthy, alive and adds to the quality of our lives. As […]