Inflammation food and cardio vascular disease.

All chronic illness including cancers, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease and renal disease and more are linked through inflammation which is described in my latest book “Overcoming Illness”. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality in different communities accounting for more than 31% or 17.5 million deaths worldwide. In this […]

Positive attitude decreases the risk of dementia by 50%

One of the strongest risk factors for dementia is the ε4 variant of the APOE gene. One quarter of the population carries the ε4 variant of the APOE gene, which is one of the strongest risk factors for dementia. Yet, many who carry it never develop dementia. This study examined perceptions about various aspects of old age, reduces the […]

Phthalates in plastics linked with eczema (and dozens of other health conditions)

Phthalates are synthetic chemicals used in food wrappings, cosmetic products and personal care products, children’s toys, cleaning products,and other consumer products because of their properties of transparency, durability, and flexibility. One of the major exposures to phthalates is through the use of personal care products and ingestion (including dietary ingestion and incidental ingestion. The ubiquitous […]

Understanding weight gain

Weight gain is not just a fluke; it is a symptom of Western diet and lifestyle—our thoughts and actions being out of balance with our genetics and evolution. As incredible as this may sound, the ability to modify behaviour of your genes to influence weight loss is a key concept in this book. Epigenetics is the scientific […]

Paleo diet good for weight loss in older women

The weight loss, low calorie, low fat don’t eat anything nice diets have never worked for weight loss. In fact they can boomerang and cause muscle loss and weight gain. Postmenopausal women have an increased risk of obesity, for instance due to the reduction of oestrogen production in combination with an elevated energy intake and […]

Diabetes inflammation

Diabetes type 2 is just a symptom of a diseased lifestyle. It is probably our body’s mechanism to store food in times of food shortages (which we needed as hunter-gatherers when food shortage was a frequent occurrence). Now we have too much of the wrong food all of the time. The signs and symptoms of […]

You don’t have to be sick

Chronic illnesses such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer are now the biggest killers in developed countries with the developing world rapidly catching up. The challenge for developed countries now is decreasing the prevalence of chronic disease, particularly diabetes, CVD and cancer. Lessening the prevalence of these diseases will not only contribute to living longer […]