Reversing Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure and Blocked Arteries Without Drugs Paperback


Reversing Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure and Blocked Arteries Without Drugs, is available now!

I have spent the last 25 years as a researcher, educator, author and public health advocate for common sense.

In Australia, a person dies from heart disease every 10 minutes.

After a speaking tour in 2013 around Australia, I was horrified by the sheer number of people who were overmedicated on drugs for heart disease and who were suffering and literally dying from the side effects of their medication that is supposed to be helping them. This inspired me to write this book in an effort to educate and inspire those who need it to save their own lives.

Reversing Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure and Blocked Arteries Without Drugs provides evidence-based guidance into reversing heart conditions through changes to diet, environment, attitude and lifestyle. This ground breaking book will enable those with or about to have heart conditions to stop it in its tracks!

Find out about:

  • The truth about cholesterol – find out why it’s not enemy number one in the war on cardiovascular disease.
  • Cardiovascular disease explained; in English not medical jargon.
  • How health supplements and minerals can save your heart.
  • Heart medications; find out the real figures on effectiveness of your prescribed medication.
  • How to eat and drink your way to a healthier heart.
  • Stress the silent killer – find out just how much of an impact stress has on your cardiovascular health.