Milk is not good for the bones.

I grew up in the 1960s, when every kid in Australia was given a free bottle of milk just before morning tea at school. I thought it was great. Now, 50 years on, maybe it was a big mistake. Today I see many people with allergies and reactions to milk; chronic illness related to milk […]

Fluoride linked with hypothyroidism again.

A number of previous research has suggested that there is an association between fluoride ingestion and the incidence of hypothyroidism. In a cross-sectional study the researchers found that higher levels of fluoride in drinking water are linked with the prevalence of hypothyroidism. The West Midlands (a wholly fluoridated area) were nearly twice as likely to […]

Fluoride lowers kids intelligence

There is increasing evidence emerging from the scientific community which suggests that mass-medication in the form of water fluoridation is in fact having a serious and adverse effect on the public’s health. A recent report from the US National Research Council 1 concluded that adverse effects of high fluoride concentrations in drinking-water may be of concern. Animal […]


Last year, the most commonly diagnosed cancers worldwide were lung (1.8 million or 13 percent of the total) breast (1.7 million, 11.9 percent) and colon cancer (1.4 million or 9.7 percent) (IARC). Lung cancer resulted in the deaths of 1.6 million people who died from cancer last year, the report said — 19.4 percent. Other […]


When health is absent, Wisdom cannot reveal itself, Art cannot manifest, Strength cannot be exerted, Wealth becomes useless, And reason is powerless.” 
— Herophilus 300 B.C. Our work places are either a great place to promote health or to contribute to the health problem. Our work environments are experiencing an emerging health crisis from longer […]


The medical experts cry foul at every opportunity possible regarding anything other than their own drugs and medicine. But turn a blind eye to their own limitations. By looking out and blaming everyone else they miss the elephant in the room. The serious and deadly side effects of the medicines and practices they prescribe. They […]


Food allergy is now a major public health issue, due to its increasing incidence over the past 20 years, particularly in western countries. Recently, alterations in gut microflora composition have been suggested as an explanation for developing food alergies. This is evident in germ-free mice, which tend to develop more-severe allergies, and given that specific […]

Mothers milk mycobiome (fungi) – not microbiome

Compared to bacterial communities, the human gut mycobiome (fungi) is low in diversity and dominated by yeast including Saccharomyces, Malassezia, and Candida.Studies show they also vary substantially over time and even mice in the same or different cages in the same facility receiving the same feed and treatment also varied in their dominant fungal lineage. Similar results have been […]